I have not been a diligent, vigilant veggie gardener the past few weeks—surprise, I got distracted and started painting my living room instead. But yesterday I took a painting break and made a quick trip to the nursery for transplants. Then I began weeding, thinning, and extracting (I sometimes need to see the reward before I start the hard work.)
I pulled out some bolted arugula and replaced it with shallots, which I’ve never grown but love to eat. I also planted some fennel, swiss chard, two lettuces, and several herbs.

Saturday, I was planning to pull out the five cauliflowers, which hadn't produced, but they must have gotten wind of my plan because by Sunday morning, three of them had tiny florets showing.

We finally got some rain last night! Mud-splattered lettuce, arugula, and spinach never looked so good.