Squirrels are now three for four. None of my dangling of tin can lids or hanging of vinegar-soaked rags or sprinkling of coffee grounds deterred them from snatching my bigger-than-a-golfball heirloom Cherokee Purple, even though I’d carefully wrapped it in a piece of pantyhose and tied it to the stalk. Mercifully, they overlooked this smaller one:

After more research and some advice from Jenny of Rock Rose and Renee of Renee’s Roots, we’re now trying bird netting. Using pieces of bamboo my neighbor put out for bulk trash pickup, husband Kurt constructed these cool teepee things, over which he draped the bird netting.

The netting is secured at the bottom with various bricks and a piece of wood. It’s been almost 24 hours with the new set up and that smaller heirloom is still intact. The only other possible deterrents out there now are a big, gaudy twirling flower ornament and some dangling stars.

nice lashing skills
I also have about 20 green cherry tomatoes, Sun Golds, growing naked on three other plants. Kurt said he would make bird netting teepees for them next weekend.

In the super sunny front yard, I stuck some potted tomato plants, two of which are volunteers and three of which are either Black Krims or Green Zebras I grew from seed (forgot to label them.) So far, the squirrels haven’t noticed them, but I’ll probably end up covering those in bird netting, too. Really, I’m not obsessed.