Austin's had two freezes in the past few weeks (!), so many salvias and other perennials look rather brown and mushy at the moment. Mine are all fairly established and should bounce back fine in the the Spring. That said, I only have a few things currently blooming and some of them are repeats from last month. I'm still happy to have any blooms right now. Be sure to check out other gardeners' bloom day posts on Carol's May Dreams Gardens. Thanks for hosting, Carol!

miniature rose 'Red Cascade'

paperwhite narcissus blooming early

trailing lantana


blackfoot daisies and silver ponyfoot--a little ragged but hanging in there

pansy 'Black Prince'

lettuces and parsley: colorful enough to count as blooms?
Also blooming now are a few marigolds, more pansies, a snapdragon, a bit of Turks Cap, a bit of verbena, and phlox.
Looks like you have a lot going on there, even with all the cold.
I love that black pansy. I don't think I've ever seen one.
The pansies may be the only things that hang on much longer (except veggies), but that's okay with me. I'd never seen the black pansy until last month. I might have to get some more!
That Red Cascade is a tough little rose. I have the material out by mine to build it a little corral to encourage it to go straight up.
I love black pansies. Their only down side is that they are not a show from a distance. They're an up close and personal flower.
I have enjoyed your blooms and it has inspired me to go out and see what I can find blooming.
We share the Red Cascade in bloom day posts. I enjoyed your previous article about gin, but it left me thirsty. Happy GBBD!
Nell Jean--I'm generally not much of a rose person, but I'm crazy about the red cascade because it's so tough. Soon I may need to create something on which it can climb, though. And I agree about the photogenic qualities of the black pansy.
Leslie--I'm so glad I've been an inspiration! I bet you can find something blooming, even if it's as subtle as rosemary or lavender.
Les--The Red Cascade ROCKS, doesn't it?? I'm not much of a rose person, but this red cascade has hung on for almost eight years without much/any help from me, so it's a keeper! I think I'm going to get a few more, especially now that I'm a bit more experienced. Glad you liked the gin post, too!
That black pansy is breathtaking. I like what Nell Jean said about them being an up close and personal bloom. Everybody needs a few of those in their lives I say....
TexasDeb--I sent a photo of the black pansy to an old friend, and her response was "punk rock!"--pretty funny.
Ooooh man: do you think i could snab some seeds from your "black" pansy when it goes to seed? pansies are my faaaave, especially black ones.
Miranda--No problem! I'll email you when I've got some saved.
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