At the moment, I'm lounging inside enjoying a chalupa, wine, and West Virginia versus Duke (go WVa) basketball. [EDITED 11:45 pm: ugh, cocky Duke won; well then, go Butler on Monday!] And I definitely earned this relaxation today.
I pulled out all the bolting lettuces and weeded four vegetable beds, which included mountains of chickweed. While I was doing that, husband Kurt was doing our taxes (yippee!) Later he came out and mixed up our compost and amended two of the newly empty beds for me to plant tomatoes (Old German, Arkansas Traveller, Valley Girl, Sun Gold), a tomatillo, basils (sweet, cinnamon, red rubin), and sweet banana peppers.
I left the monster parsley bush and oregano patch for now because both still have plenty of good stuff to offer. I also left the flowering broccoli and kale for now. I've still got some Juliet tomatoes in a big pot and six more sweet basils to plant somewhere, but they can all wait a week or two when I'm finally ready to pull out those bolting greens.

lettuce bed before

lettuce bed after, with new peppers, tomatillo, and tomatoes

old beet and carrot bed before

old beet and carrot bed during...

old beet and carrot bed during...

old beet and carrot bed after, before planting new basil

old beet and carrot bed after, with new basil: look how big the potato plants are now (far left)!

three kinds of basil