society garlic
Most of my salvias are a little behind bloom-wise, but they did make it through last winter's hard freezes.

victoria salvia peeking
Overall, things are pretty lush, but we still need today's predicted rain! Visit Carol's May Dreams Gardens blog to see other blooms from all over.

trailing verbena

"21st Century Blue" phlox

"Miss Tilly" balloon flower (platycodon)

byzantine gladiolus just began its show yesterday

"Diamond Frost" euphorbia

purple cauliflower finally bolted, too bad no purple blooms

blackfoot daisy

"Purple Moon" torenia
Iris, my byzantine Glads started yesterday as well! I love them, don't you? I love your torenia and blackfoot daisies - and do you really have society garlic already? Lovely purple blooms, as always.
You have some of my favorites here..
psh. purple cauliflower blooms aren't purple. psh.
I, too, am wishing for that rain. Rain barrel is almost dry, man.
Love those Glads. Wish I had some - may have to put them on my long wish list! I have glads coming, but I wrote down "Gladiolas" nice, huh?! d'oh. Your Euphorbia is so pretty and so much bigger than mine. Gotta move it - someone's eating them!
Love the glads, too. Society garlic one of my favorites. Lovely!
Lovely garden, thanks for showing off whats' in bloom. Have a great day.
Of course you were going to give society garlic pride of place in the April show. Love the Byzantine glad. I have always wanted some of those but just never did it. I am so envious of your success with santolina. Happy bloom day Iris.
Hi Iris, Here is the informaion on the Scilla (Scilla siberica), early spring-flowering bulb with 2-4 strap-shaped, semi-erect, basal glossy leaves, widening towards the tips. Bell shaped, deep rich blue flowers 1/2" long, are arranged on a short spike. Height 4-6", full sun to part sun but does require mositure, but my gardens are all on sand.
What purply lovelieness! I think my plumbago bit the dust. I have such a brown thumb with that one plant - everywhere I try one it crumps. Oof - I will be content to enjoy photos of yours!
As to salvia I was seeing them absolutely covered in blooms everywhere I looked while mine had 1-2 flowers for weeks. NOW mine is finally kicking in. Don't know what makes the difference - maybe I pruned mine differently... ??? Part of the fun of gardening I suppose - every bed is a little bit its own deal.
I enjoy seeing what grows on the other side of the country. the byzantine glads are very nice.
Thanks for all the great comments, y'all!! (Now let's get some more rain.)
Lovely bloom day & foliage followup! My byzantine glads showed up this week, too. Love them! Hey, I'll save some pink poppy seeds for you if you like.
I really like balloon flowers, and your byzatine glads are fab.
I just love all these beautiful flowers!
I'm 12 days late for this very pretty event, Iris - but my Miss Tillys aren't even thinking about blooming yet, and neither is the salvia farinacea. The 21st Century white came with flowers and so did the Diamond frost and blue violet petunias. Sounds like we both wanted blue & purple ;-]
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
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