Mexican feather grass (Stipa tenuissima)
I love the cheery wave of Mexican feather grass, but I'm also enjoying a few other windsurfers blooming now that I doubt will make it until next month's garden bloggers' bloom day post. All are drought tolerant and need lots of sun.

Vitex tree (Vitex agnus-castus)

gaura (Oenothera lindheimeri)

Provence lavender (Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence')
They are all very pretty blowing in the wind. Two years ago I bought a Mexican feather grass because I love the wispy look of it. As you probably know, it self seeds and I now have several of them. I love that. I dig up the babies and move them where I want them.
I'm always wanting to braid the Mexican feather grass. Just love it. Wow, your lavender is luscious. So is everything.
Your lavender looks very happy and vitex blooms are gorgeous. I even like the smell of the vitex.
What a fun way to celebrate the wind. And we sure are having us a windy May for the most part. Hardly a still day in the bunch so far.
We are thinking about putting Vitex in but were disappointed to find out they aren't native. It was an easy mistake to make seeing how prevalent they are in the Austin area now. I am entranced by their purple blooms and airy form.
Is yours showing any signs of being invasive?
Leslie--They certainly do self seed! I'm like you: I like that about them and move the babies around and give lots away!
LindaCTG--Thank you! The lavender's really putting on a show. I like combing the feather grasses' hair with my fingers.
Lancashire rose--Thank you! The early spring rains this year seem to have really helped the vitex because it wasn't this lush last year.
TexasDeb--Our vitex is not showing signs of being invasive at all and it's four years old. So I don't know what to think!
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