Friday, July 9, 2010

can't complain

Spider Lily (Hymenocallis 'Tropical Giant')
Four of the past eight days, we've had big soaking rains in Austin. And the rain cooled things off, especially yesterday afternoon, when it got down to 77 degrees. In July! I'll probably be complaining a little bit next week when it's back up to 98 with high humidity, but for now, I'm grateful and so is my garden.

This is my first time growing these Valley Girl tomatoes, and although I haven't tasted one yet, I'm pleased with their production--about 20 on one plant right now. My sungolds (cherry tomatoes) are still producing but have slowed down a little.    

I'm so excited about my first tiny tomatillo. It's the first time I've grown a tomatillo. I'd almost given up on it because the plant has gotten big and has lots of flowers, but until yesterday I couldn't find any fruit.

These banana peppers have been consistent, but their flavor is pretty blah.
In the foreground is lots of sweet basil. Behind the floppy Swiss chard is cinnamon basil and Red Rubin basil. My thyme, oregano, sage, and rosemary are all thriving, too.
Also in the vegetable garden  is this surprisingly tough Lisianthus 'Mariachi Blue' plus blue plumbago.


mss @ Zanthan Gardens said...

Hasn't this been a wonderful rainy week? I keep thinking it's already fall and want to rush out to the garden stores looking for new plants to plant.

My tomatoes are just finishing up now. They are still flowering but even with the cooler temperatures they're not setting fruit.

Annie in Austin said...

Yes, Iris - so different from last year, isn't is? But it will be so hard when we have to stand out there with our garden hoses once again.

We had a few really nice tomatoes this year but they're mostly done. A few plants keep trying to set fruit, but by the time the little maters are walnut-size the bugs get them. Down to Sun Golds here, too.

Your basil looks spectacular!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Iris said...

mss--Yep, it's been tough to resist the urge to go plant shopping this week. I think my tomatoes are behind because they got a slow start from too much shade before the huge American Elm tree branch fell and allowed more sun.

Annie--So grateful it's not like last year (yet.) The bugs and squirrels seem to be ignoring my sungolds. Basil--thanks! I planted lots because we eat it all summer and I like to have plenty left to freeze.

reneesroots said...

Iris, I've never grown Valley Girls, but I've heard from several farmers at the downtown market that they're very prolific and tolerant of our heat. Yours are sure looking good!

Iris said...

Renee--Thanks! I'm happy to hear that real farmers like the Valley Girls. I can't wait to taste one of mine: I've got lots, but they're all still green.

D.M. SOLIS said...

Beautiful images, especially that closeup of the tomato. Well done! Very happy gardening to you. Peace and all good,
