Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another Michael Scott pretrial hearing is rescheduled

Although I'd checked the online court docket this morning, I was immediately suspicious that today's hearing might not be happening when I drove to the courthouse and didn't see any television trucks. I waited around the empty 8th floor alone until a newspaper reporter friend showed up and buzzed Judge Lynch's scheduling coordinator, who said that today's hearing had been reset for April 1st. Sheesh.

So the reporter and I sat down right outside the courtroom doors, sharing dentist referrals and generally catching up. The courtroom doors then opened and Judge Lynch himself emerged and asked us if we'd heard about the change. We said yes, and the reporter asked Lynch why all the other reporters knew not to show up this afternoon. Lynch smiled and said, "Y'all must be out of the loop."

Lynch further explained that they're still sticking to the May 19th trial start date and that today's hearing was reset because Michael Scott's attorneys had filed some motions Friday or Monday and the State needed time to look at them.

I thought it was nice of Judge Lynch to take time to talk to us. I'd never seen him up close and without his robe. Surprise! He's human. And he has really blue eyes.

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