Monday, April 13, 2009

Alfalfa hay bale postscript

Apparently hay is not just for horses.

I caught our dog in the act and later found her three big chomping holes in the last pile of alfalfa hay. Sheesh. So we moved the rest of the alfalfa pile inside the veggie bed dog fence.


NotSoAngryRedHead said...

LOL! Dogs are so naughty. The latest thing I've been seeing my dogs eat that they shouldn't are packing peanuts made from corn starch. Bad.

TexasDeb said...

What a sweet (albeit slightly guilty looking) face on that puppy!

Meredith said...

I finally realized I could find your husky pictures under your Dog category. She's so pretty (my boy dog would just love her, too)! She seems so much calmer than my rowdy dogs. My dogs wouldn't have just neatly eaten the alfafa bale -- they would have dragged it all over the yard!

Iris said...

Meredith- Thank you--she's got one blue eye and one brown. She's nine now, so that's partly why she's mellow. Also, I bet the fact that yours has a dog-buddy makes yours more rambunctious. Mine only has a cat buddy, so they don't usually do TOO much damage, as long as I remember to latch the veggie garden gates!