Yukon Gold potato seedlings (above)! I guess they're a little bigger than "seedlings" now, and I'm so excited that my first experiment growing potatoes is looking good so far. While I've been cooling my heels waiting to move my potted tomatoes and peppers into the ground (this weekend, I hope), I bought a few new plants. Another first: soaked and sowed Mahogany Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) seeds.

Proven Winners Safari Plum Nemesia fruticans--appears to be a good spring-summer container bloom

Gray Shrub Sage (Salvia chamaedryoides)--supposed to have pale violet flowers at some point

Upright Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys)--dwarf evergreen shrub that claims it will have purple flowers. I planted three of them among some gray santolina for contrast.

The verbena I planted two years ago has reseeded, popping up all over the front yard in a very pleasing manner. I never would have planted a verbena right up in that oregano, but nature did and it looks great!