Until today, I have chosen to have every blooming thing in our front yard garden be purple-ish or white (with a tiny bit of hot pink skullcap and one little red rose). The yellow-orange flower world has just seemed too hot to explore, although I’ve known it would provide good contrast with all the purple.
In anticipation of cooler temperatures (a month or more away, I know) and a cooler house color, I took my first baby step today, buying this “Orange Master” Dwarf Pomegranate (Punica granatum). We had an ugly blank spot with some exposed woody old rosemary roots, which are still ugly and exposed, but I think this big fleur-de-lis pot with the silver ponyfoot surrounding the dwarf pomegranate is a nice filler and distraction for now.
You will love the pomegranate. It has such interesting flowers and fruit. I have the tree form but I have never learnt to prune it. Great fruit though.
My regular old pomegranate had a few flowers in spring but made no fruit - the dwarf one is in bloom now? It's so cool looking, Iris! And can there be too much Silver ponyfoot?
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
This dwarf one is in bloom (for now at least) AND has two little fruits, and the guy at the nursery said it would bloom until first frost.
I'm excited about its possibilities!
Also, I've not had much experience with Silver ponyfoot, either. I tried it in the ground late last summer in full sun and it didn't last long at all. I probably didn't give it enough water at first...
The orange will make a great contrast with your purple, especially against a newly purple house. Go for it! Now you just need a flame acanthus or two, some bulbine, Tithonia, Mexican flamevine, and lantana, and you'll be set. :-)
I still can't get your feed to work for me anymore, but I'm going to get caught up on what I've missed.
Thanks for all the orange ideas, Pam!
I'm sorry my feed still isn't working for you. I'll try to troubleshoot again this weekend.
Great idea to add in some orange!
My daughter taught me long ago about how purple and orange (any opposites on the color wheel actually) will accentuate each other.
My pomegranate bushes aren't blooming much this year either. Probably the evenings have been too hot? (totally guessing there)
Have fun with your new plants!
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