Not much blooming around here now, but the paperwhite narcissus is a nice surprise. See other garden bloggers' blooms from all over the place at Carol's May Dreams Gardens blog.
Great photos Iris. I am determined to participate in the GBBD event next month. This month I am in the middle of getting a condo ready to sell. What a time hole that has been! My broccoli is actually flowering - another casualty of the condo time crunch. I didn't get it harvested and it has the prettiest yellow blooms now. At least the bees seem happy with it.
Thanks--you all have made my day with your nice comments! I've been a bit of a slacker in the yard overall lately, just trying to keep on top of watering the veggie garden and keep on top of the house painting stuff.
Your house is coming along splendidly Iris. I bet it's exciting to watch the transformation and how wonderful to find some flowers hiding in the bushes. You may have lots more surprises in the spring.
Very nice blooms!
Oh I think the broccoli counts. It is a flower bud after all. Pretty blooms. It's nice to see growth when I'm locked in cold up here.
Great photos Iris. I am determined to participate in the GBBD event next month. This month I am in the middle of getting a condo ready to sell. What a time hole that has been! My broccoli is actually flowering - another casualty of the condo time crunch. I didn't get it harvested and it has the prettiest yellow blooms now. At least the bees seem happy with it.
Wow, your rosemary is in full bloom! Mine never has more than one or two flowers on it at a time. Love all your pretty purple flowers!
Hey y'all--
Thanks--you all have made my day with your nice comments! I've been a bit of a slacker in the yard overall lately, just trying to keep on top of watering the veggie garden and keep on top of the house painting stuff.
The broccoli florets totally count!! Anything that blooms in January is fair game ;)
Your house is coming along splendidly Iris. I bet it's exciting to watch the transformation and how wonderful to find some flowers hiding in the bushes. You may have lots more surprises in the spring.
Seems like quite a bit blooming for January! I like the rosemary blooms.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day,
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
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