cobalt salvia (salvia guaranitica cobalt) with silver ponyfoot
Hooray for some real rain last week! I couldn’t find time to post my pictures yesterday because I was outside doing more Spring veggie bed preparation while the ground was soft. Thanks again to Carol whose blog, May Dreams Gardens, shows many other garden bloggers’ blooms.
I’ve got some new-to-me blooms this month as well as some old reliables.
Spiders must like Society Garlic as much as I do.
delphinium (an annual)
Gasp--it's not all purple. Mexican honeysuckle (justicia spicigera) and Louisiana blue phlox.
"Mona lavender" (plectranthus Mona Lavender)
assorted phlox
victoria salvia (salvia farinaceae Victoria)
silver bush germander
allison mexican heather
trailing lantana
in the veggie garden: broccoli flowers
calendula, which are supposed to benefit veggie gardens
It looks as though your Mexican heather made it through the winter. Did you start the delphinium from seed or is this possibly the larkspur. I didn't think delphiniums grew well here although I know they sell them at the nursery.
I bought what was labeled as delphinium at the nursery on a whim, knowing it would probably only last a month or so. I couldn't resist!
Your victoria salvia looks great; it's way ahead of mine. I like your broccoli blooms too -- such lovely little flowers -- and bees and other beneficials love em!
Thanks for sharing your blooms. My 15th photos are sitting...waiting....I have yet to make the Bloom Day deadline even by a 24 hour grace period. Timing!!
I would never have guessed that broccoli could produce such pretty flowers!
Lantana already! Mine doesn't have a bit of new growth yet. Great photos. Go Longhorns--Beat Dook!
I like the Mexican heather a lot. I don't think it is hardy in this zone but we get it in hanging baskets a lot.
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