Friday, October 3, 2008

Newly expanded veggie bed now accomplished

Husband Kurt has really done yeoman’s work yesterday and today, doing all the most physical veggie bed work. He turned huge stagnant compost piles, mixed together dirt with manure compost, then moved dirt from one corner of the yard to the new bed area, plus he installed a small drip irrigation system around all the beds.

(top left) Kurt stomping down a compost pile

I then sewed common sorrel (Rumex acetosa) and cauliflower (“Chef’s Choice Blend”, Brassica oleracea variety) seeds, transplanted yesterday’s thinned-out beet and carrot seedlings, and learned how to operate the drip system, which will take some experimentation to get right.

We’re both now exhausted but excited. Oops, just remembered I forgot to get arugula and spinach seeds—will do that tomorrow if I can get out of bed.

What the tomato bed (right side) looked like less than a week ago

And what it looks like now (minus tomatoes)

Both veggie beds from another view


Annie in Austin said...

It's so cute! Like a small farm!

May your harvest be a good one, Kurt and Iris.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Iris said...

Thanks, Annie!
And I'll experiment with snipping extra seedlings' leaves for salads, too.

One of the Boggy Creek farmers yesterday told me she lets the carrots stay a little too crowded until they're baby carrots, then "thins" the baby carrots and sells them as such.

Rock rose said...

What would we do without them? What a great achievement. Now you can sit back and wait for the kitchen garden to produce its bounty.

Iris said...

I hope so, Jenny! I haven't watered today, holding onto the hope we'll really get some rain... Thanks for the encouraging words.

vertie said...

Looks great, Iris! Maybe I could swing by sometime and check out your drip irrigation system?

Iris said...

Hey Vertie!
Sure--I'll email you.