Monday, January 12, 2009

More day 80 house progress: color begins!

Whoo-hoo! 4 p.m. shady back yard light.

5:45 p.m. shady back yard light


TexasDeb said...

The house already looks gorgeous-er with new color showing. You must be so excited. Thanks for sharing the purplove.

Iris said...

Thank you, Deb!

You wouldn't believe how excited I am!! They're going to do two coats and this is the first. I don't think I can help myself: I'm going to post more photos this afternoon!

Bob said...

The house looks great. I like your choice of colors. Too bad the contractors brought illegal aliens to work on your house. It's always better to be able to talk to them.

Iris said...

Hi Bob,

I'm really happy with the body color and am excited about the trim & accent colors to come.

I think you're being presumptuous about the legal status of the painters.